Mommy blogz go away

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I have a bad tendency on certain days (not all) to thumbdown mommy sites and mommy blogs and blogs that are bent on telling everything about a family complete with pictures. Stalkers welcome mat is what I'm thinking.....pedophiles, serial killers, thieves and general riffraff.

I wonder how much is too much and if I'm doing that myself. I do not post pictures of my family or friends. It's not a thing I would do without their express permission and even then, I would feel that maybe I'm doing something wrong. Putting my own face out there is one thing, but do I want the responsibility of putting someone else (especially loved ones) at risk for the evilness in the world. Umm, no. If they choose it, let it be on their shoulders. And the information I've let loose on the wild, wild web about myself.....well that's my responsibility. I've only myself to blame if it goes bad.

But then again, the flipside of the coin. That's one of the best things about getting on the electronic highway--getting to know people you would never know otherwise. The opportunity to find the only other person or two that loves the weird little hobby that is near and dear to your heart is hard to pass by when it comes your way. And just the general "talking across the fence" that used to happen everyday in the long ago neighborhoods of non-violence. That again is possible on the internet. That's quite an attraction.

So I wonder about people who blog and tell all the correct specifics. Are you not putting yourself and your family in great danger? And I also wonder why all of them are so pretty and perfect and nice.... guess the real families who have everyday issues and just plain crap happening in their lives don't have access to the internet. Or maybe those families do have issues and everything just gets prettied up for the blog. Who knows?! I do know that I just get to a point at times that I'm sick of looking at mommy blogs (and yes there are plenty daddy blogs too).
No I don't have kids (childfreedom rulz!) but I seriously think if I did, I wouldn't put my precious little faces out there where they don't have to be.

I'm also hoping that maybe the thumbdown will help SU find other sites for me to stumble. Sorry mommies--I'm sure you're heart is in a place and there are some really pretty mommy blogs out there, I'm just tired of stumbling on them allllll the time.

ps......I also hate google adsense, but that's a whole 'nother rant.


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