lost $200

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Went to Walmart this morning for my monthly giving all my money away to the real "Uncle Sam". Yeah Walmart runs this country. I tried to boycott it several years ago, but due to my favorite grocery store closing and the other local store sucking (dirty and limp, rotten produce) I have been forced to shop there. I had thoughts of driving to another store out of the area but gas prices have shut that idea down many moons ago. It's hard to pay for gas just to get to work nowadays.
Anyhoo the monthly mugging was worse than usual this morning. I broke down and bought a couple pairs of shorts and a pair of Lee jeans. And with the usual >$100 in food I was just a little wilted dandelion by the time I got out to the car. Damn Walmart!
So to keep on with my bitch fest: I was upset that there were so many employees stocking shelves - everywhere! It's hard to look, ponder and put stuff in your buggy if you can't get to it. And even worse when the employees are acting like it's you that is in the way. Damn Walmart!
I always go on Sunday mornings before church lets out but I guess I was taking too long or maybe too many other people have my idea because it got crowded too quick. I like being able to ponder what I'm buying without interruption and also not run into people I know (then it really does take too much time). Well, at least I do have the sense not to go at the first of the month.
Damn Walmart!


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